“I’m still trying to process dealing with the “New Normal” Pandemic, but things I’m doing are: washing my fucking hands, social distancing, starting to do a bit of facetime to keep in touch with homies. I don’t know. I’m trying to get out of the house (safe distance) and exercise as much as possible (can’t wait for the snow to be gone out here in Saskatoon) also make as much new music/finish older things as possible. The inspiration to work comes and goes, creative things aren’t that easy with full-time daddy daycare and no breaks but it has been great to spend time with my son. He is starting to miss his homies and this shit is moving so fast it is really hard to plan anything right now. I’m sure a lot of people are in the same position right now but I’m just trying to stay strong.”
This is how my conversation with Graham Murawsky, the artist everyone knows as Factor Chandelier, began. It’s free-flowing and at ease. It isn’t the first time I’ve spoken with Factor, who has been a source of inspiration to label mates and contemporaries. Sometimes they’re one and the same. At the height of the pandemic, I called Factor who was at home in his Canadian abode, with his family, creating beats and sonic landscapes from his in-home studio or just about anywhere life takes him (i.e. visiting musicians, outside studios). This leads us to his latest opus released just a few months ago, First Storm (Fake Four Inc.) which I did find myself listening to over and over again. At some points, it seemed bizarre and intriguing and at others, completely fascinating. I caught up with Factor – or Graham, whichever you prefer – when he had some time to talk about the album, isolation, and 2020.
The world is different now and things seem to change from one day to the next.
…We check those updates and some days there’s like HUGE changes, like all of a sudden it’s like yea, no problem you can have 50 people over to your house it’s like “What?!” I haven’t seen anyone in like 3 mos and now I can invite 50 people over to my back yard? It’s ridiculous.
Yea, and that is ridiculous, I mean, the WHO and the CDC, they keep on flipflopping, you know on, what’s happening because they don’t even have all the answers.
Yea, and that’s the other part that like, kinda worries me is like, there hasn’t it been enough, uh… this thing hasn’t even been around long enough to know what the long term effects are… so… you know… it’s just … it’s scary, it’s just, and why not be able to take the precautions, I mean dude, I’ve just been, uh, we put down new grass in our back yard, me and my wife, and the little guy, and like our family, I’ve just been like, doing family time, man. It’s been like uhh.. it’s been nice, but it’s been a very different life. I’m blessed that I’ve been…. I got some jobs, man. I did like three full album mixes in the last couple months and I got a commercial, with me and Ceschi, we got a commercial with this BBQ company that pays good.
So I mean, you know, I’m doing ok man. I mean like, I was pretty bummed out, like to be honest, because I’d just dropped First Storm and then all of a sudden the pandemic was just, went crazy, so I announced my shows, but then like within a week of promotion or two weeks, I had to cancel them, and I had already been like, talking to the US promoter Nick about booking some shows for me and Ceschi, and then we had talked about Europe… and none of that had been announced but I had to cancel all that stuff and I was just like, man what if First Storm doesn’t do good? Like is this… it’s not going to be the end of my career, but like it’s going to be the end of maybe like, maybe I’ll be more behind the scenes studio guy, you know working, doing work keeping working and mixing and doing projects, getting paid more like a job, rather than like, pursuing my art.
Honestly man, this First Storm stuff, it’s not like I’m getting a million hits quite yet or anything on any song, but man the people who dig it, have been so supportive, and about my studio, they sent me real nice messages, some people even sent like, straight up payments, just to help out. One guy said that his house burned down when he was young and it was super hard, and he was like “here’s a little bit of money because I know you’re not going to be able to work on music for a while,” I mean…shit, man.
I almost was feeling guilty, so I said to him, you know I’m probably going to get insurance, because we have house insurance or whatever, and he was like “dude, no matter what, you’re not going to be able to do stuff, and you’re not going to be able to work,” and now, man he was right. It’s like two months later, and I haven’t made a beat. I mean I finally almost got the studio back together but uh, gee I was like hitting my head against a wall, because like all of a sudden none of my pro-tools, none of my plugins would work, because I got this new computer, and I had to update everything, and like take new drivers, and redownload this, and find this program and try to link it to this, you know, it was like it’s so frustrating because you know how Apple changes their cords or whatever. So I bought the new computer like I had before, and then I look at the back. Instead of Thunderbolt, and whatever, all these things, now it’s this USB-C thing so I have to buy like these 10 fifty-dollar adapters.
So you know what, let’s start with the studio there. Your studio. You just like.. things started to just fall apart, randomly. What happened there?
So what happened was, our water main, our water to our block got shut off, but there was a water main break at someone’s house, on our block, and so the city came and they shut off the water, but for some reason, there was some sediment or something in the pipe to our house and our neighbor’s house and it somehow pressurized the water to go, like it got pressurized back into our house and it found the only way it could get out, and it leaked through our dishwasher, and then the dishwasher overflowed and leaked onto the kitchen floor, which in turn leaked down a vent all in my studio, my whole studio, it was crazy. So I mean we have a legal thing right now with the city to pay our deductible for insurance and you know, I had an issue, a couple, like five years ago with my computer…or maybe three years ago, and it just kind of woke me up to the fact that I could lose, or just a hard drive could get on the fritz, so I ended up buying one of those cloud drives. I had all my beats and all my sessions and everything saved on the cloud, so like, when I went downstairs… So what happened was, Camper, my son, woke up at like 6 in the morning, wanted a bottle of milk or something, was just in a bad mood, yelling. Alyson, my wife, went to go get him the milk and steps in the kitchen and there’s water. he’s like Graham there’s water, and I’m just like, it’s probably fine, you know, maybe our dog knocked over his water dish, and she’s like no, it’s flooded in the kitchen! Like NOOO HOLY SHIT. I got up, SPRINTED downstairs, and dude, my whole equipment was flashing, every different color light I hadn’t seen before. The ceiling tiles were about to buckle, and all the water…. I had to push it, I was completely soaked… I went upstairs… my wife was just like “Oh my God.” And I was just at a super low point, and then I moved everything out. And man, I was pretty bummed out. Then I remembered like, I have EVERYTHING on the cloud. This is just equipment. I still had all my beats! Then I took a deep breath, and you know, processed it a bit, but between that, having to cancel my tours, and this fucking COVID happening, it was a lot at once.
You know, I flipped it into a positive man, because looking at it, you know let’s just say all my files got wrecked, I might have thought about retirement at that point. (We laugh) As soon as I knew I had my files I was in a better mindset. And then, you know, I was a little bit worried that maybe it wouldn’t be eligible for insurance, you know, so I was bummed out there, but once the insurance came through … and like.. I just took that time, and I worked on our house, and the backyard and stuff while I waited for the walls and the carpet to get done and so I totally remodeled my studio. I got all new art. I got a local artist, I commissioned him to paint these huge canvases, three feet by six feet. They’re like all across my wall, I did a couple blue walls, and everything’s looking fresh man. So I kind of flipped it into like, uh, silver lining kind of vibe, and I just bought the last piece. My Phantom Power wasn’t working for my mic, so I was bashing my head into the wall yesterday because I finally got all my plugins working and then I just went and bought a Phantom Power source, and I plugged in my mic and everything’s working man, so today’s the first day. And that’s another reason why I wanted to chat with you, you mentioned about the flood and the studio, it’s nice to talk to you about it, because TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY! Everything’s back!
Everything is back to normal. Somewhat.
Today… this date right here is Factor G Studios 3.0. It’s back! This is the first day we’re underway again, so, I’m psyched. I’m feeling really good man.
I mean, it was fortunate that you had the presence of mind to upload everything to the cloud beforehand. Obviously you weren’t expecting a catastrophe like that to happen…
No, no I wasn’t, but the thing is, I got a scare 3yrs prior, so that was like, because I had to go and put my harddrive in a bag of rice, and I thought I lost, like… it was some cameo verse from somebody that like, you know, isn’t someone that I can just be like yo fool, come back over here and drop that verse. It was like, someone I was asking like a humongous favor for, you know, ummm who was it? ….anyways, it was an album I was working on and I thought I lost the verse, and I would just be so embarrassed to ask that person, I would have never even probably contacted them. But then I put it in the rice, I got the files. It was all good, nothing was wrong. So then I was like man, I NEED … I NEED NEED NEED that cloud. So now I have like three hard drives that I got on the go, and I also triple back up the stuff I’m working on, at the time usually, and then you know like, within reason, I’m not doing that every single night, but if I finish a few sessions, I cloud them over, and they got the little time machine now and stuff, so it’s cool.
My new stuff just has to… I just want to change it up a bit. You know.. I change the look, I changed the vibe, and obviously with anything like that you just kind of get mentally stronger and hopefully the new shit’s bangin’. I got a new keyboard, man, it has these killer sounds. I’m amped up, you know!? I’m amped up!
Yea you know I feel you, but let’s back up a little bit to First Storm. The album is pretty much the reason for this conversation here and the last couple weeks I’ve been listening to it and you know it’s funny because there’s always; you know how some people say there’s always something new you find that you know, you didn’t hear before, and…?
Right. You watch a movie five times and you’re like ‘man this scene is actually hilarious, did you ever notice this?’
Exactly. And it’s kind of like that. One thing I noticed from the get-go, say one of the songs, “New View.” That one right there is probably my favorite track off the entire album, you know and I think…
Yea that one is for me, too, and you know that’s me on the autotune, dude
Oh was it?
Singing through a guitar amp, so I’m doing the “ooohs” on that and I have Autotune on it and it goes through a guitar amp and I just like totally processed it like crazy and basically made a little instrument out of it so that’s how I did it.
The melody on that song is just captivating you know, like every single time like, you play it, and, I was wondering why you didn’t have someone on that? Like say a guest feature like on other tracks.
The crazy thing about that, that beat I ended up showing to Open Mike Eagle and he was into it. He really liked it, but we tried to slow it down. The tempo was a little bit too fast for what he wanted to do on it, so we tried to slow it down and it just lost a bit of magic. So then I was like, you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to show it to my homie Danny Levin, and I showed it to him and that night man, he just crushed that horn section and just sent it back to me like in one night and he’s like what do you think of this? I’m like ‘Boom.’ There’s the instrumental. This is like….. it doesn’t need vocals anymore.
Those horns are fucking amazing, man.
Dude. He is so talented…. Like.. I had been doing some stuff with him for his production, too… so he makes beats and stuff but I’ll just liven them up a bit with some drums. Not necessarily liven them up, but just like, you know, do a couple edits with some of his instrumentation, and then in turn he would help me out by playing horns on some of my beats,…So we kind of got a really good thing going and him and his talent is just like… and he’s even playing on Morrissey records and shit man. He’s like crazy. Like he did a beat, and did some production on that rapper Blueface, he’s work on all kinds of very diverse stuff, he’s even on like folk tracks, he – man, he has music running through him, that guy.
That’s an amazing track but you know it’s like, there are some things on the album that you know, I do find captivating like that, and there’s things that I find just really weird. Like “Die Tonight.”
It’s a fucking weird album!

“Die Tonight,” where you have Nomad on it, and Nomad’s vocals are just so…. I mean it’s weird, but still interesting at the same time. Where it’s just like I don’t want to fast forward it, I want to listen to the entire thing.
Yeah I don’t even know, that is another thing about this album that I’ve never noticed about my music before– and maybe I wasn’t making music like this before, but a lot of people have been referring to my music now as trip-hop and downtempo. I always just thought I was making like… rap, and hip-hop, you know what I mean?
Well, one thing I was just thinking about earlier was that it kind of defies classification. Although your base is hip hop, you know there’s just so much more to take in. I can understand that – the whole trip-hop and downtempo. I just see it like crossing boundaries.
It’s hard to market. You’ve got to be a music fan. So I’ve been lucky because even, you guys too, you do multi-genre kind of stuff, so it’s great. Because then somebody’s going to listen to it — you know sometimes it’s somebody that wants to hear bars. They just want to hear someone spit in verses. I don’t always do the beat that goes with that crowd, but sometimes I do. You know, it just all depends, but ahh, I think First Storm ….ahh. I think it’s my best solo record, man, it seems like it’s one of the most well-received, and it hasn’t really been out that long, and I haven’t even toured it or anything, but I do feel that it’s my strongest work, and it motivated me. Honestly, there’s going to be another Factor Chandelier record, that’s for sure, so I’m like motivated to maybe work on beats for like another year and just kind of like, decide what the sound’s going to be, but ….
I do think it’s one of your most intricate records.
Intricate. So that’s maybe why I like it. Because it’s maybe the most musically advanced. Maybe not the best record. It’s kind of like… it’s taken a progression for me, just me seeing personal growth. Being able to kind of hear some of the things. Even with some of the mixing, My ears are just starting to open up, like to some of these frequencies and stuff and realizing that, where they should live in the mix, and stuff like that. I’m definitely still learning every day. I in no way think I have anything cased, so I think that’s how you gotta think though when you’re being a musician. These kids coming out today are just like, man they can make so many beats, so fast, they’re so on top of the equipment and this new software, some of these new things…
Being almost 40 now – dude I’m 38 – I’m trying to stay relevant but not be like, pathetic, right? You don’t want to seem like you’re TRYING to be something you’re not, so I’m just kind of riding that line and I think as I get older, maybe it’s just a core base of people who like different kinds of music because I find that my records – they do the best on vinyl. Like my vinyl sales, and my Spotify numbers are the big places I see them, and I think people that like music buy vinyl.
It used to just be hip-hop DJ’s, now it’s more the people who listen to a whole record, they’re going to buy the new albums. (*sighs*) I don’t know, man…. They’re going to buy the new Tame Impala or they might like rap because there are drums in the Tame Impala, and it’s like hip hop-y, probably Kendrick, you know, people that are buying these records that are like, statements, and full albums- not as much singles. So I feel starting to maybe get into that level a little bit. Maybe, the general music listener, rather than just, “oh you like underground rap, you’re going to like this”. Now it’s kind of “oh you like music? This is something a little different. Maybe check it out at least”. Now I’m hopefully getting into those conversations a little bit more now.
Even your features, on the record, they don’t overpower the songs themselves, the music. How did you go about choosing different rappers, different MCs to work on them, because Underground– I’m just looking at my list right now– Underground. Cadence? He KILLS it. He KILLS that song.
On that track – (there are) a lot of the people on this record, I made a point of recording them in my own studio or like discussing the song and album with them on the road. Like, Mestizo, I saw him for 4 or 5 dates on a Ceschi tour, and we discussed doing this song, and I had the demo and I showed it to him and he got some ideas. It was kind of like we did work on it together. The majority of those songs, I did it in my studio. Like that Ceschi song? That was an a-side from the Sad, Fat Luck sessions. I was like “hey man I got a beat for my record, do you want to hear this?” Spun it. Man, he just started freestyling on it, and then he got the first four bars – Dude. We did that song in like an hour.
That guy! (we laugh)
It’s crazy because the same thing happened like with Cadence Weapon. He was supposed to be on “Woke Up Alone.” He was going to be one of the parts on it. We hung out – he’s from Edmonton, which is 5 hours from where I live, and then later in life, he moved to Toronto. He’s kind of like a Canadian personality, he has a pretty good following out here. We were going to do the song in 2000 when he was like 14 or 15, and he just kind of didn’t get it done. And I was just kind of like, ah man, and he was like dude! We’ll do one next time or whatever, and then I didn’t see him for like 3 or 4 years. He was coming to town on tour, and he was with Fat Tony, and he hits me up. He’s like “yo I’m coming through Saskatoon, what are you doing this afternoon?” I’m like “well I got my kid… but I could probably get Grandma to babysit. What are you thinking?” He’s like “Yo.. you want to do that song? You got some beats?” I’m like yeah sure! So I just made a beat while they drove into Saskatoon, and I was obviously hyped about it, so I made like this like trip-banger, trap-beat track, and he just wrote it on the spot. We kind of caught up, you know, I’ve known him for like 10 years, just like, it’s not like we’re best buds or anything but I’ve like known him through the scene.
It was great. We got to catch up, we had some good stories, then he was like play me some beats, let’s rock it. Then we did the song, he went to the hotel, checked in, got his bags, did a soundcheck, and then I went to the venue and watched him rock. They just continued on with their tour. It was pretty dope. Me and Taylor Jade had been working on an EP, we actually have 5 songs done that are just killer, but during this COVID, she ended up moving out of the city to be with her boyfriend during the pandemic so we put a pretty big halt on our EP. Plus there’s no rush for it. So that was a song we did, kind of the intro, and I told her, you know, the way we made this song, I was banging on a lawn chair in the backyard and she was singing, and I recorded my lawn chair. We went downstairs and basically just layered that singing. It was just kind of like a lot of my record was these spur of the moments, not really epiphanies, but inspirational,
like surges of inspiration, so I would just, it would just– things on that record came together so fast. And there’s obviously a certain sound. So like some people I did 3 songs with, and then just decided what song fit the best. If you checked out the Dope Knife – “Kill Factory”- basically I was like hey I’m going to pick a song for my record, but there’s songs that are hotter, per se, like more bangers that I could have taken for my album, but they didn’t fit. I needed to kind of take this special song that was a little more heartfelt and had a similar narrative. So you know, I was like, it’s a culmination of collaborations, and then just like a spur of the moment stuff.
Any time I was feeling inspired because I was also coming to terms, not terms, but just figuring out my schedule, pre-fatherhood, right into basically like the first two years. These tracks were all right around, they were like from when Camper was born basically, the first track is like his heartbeat and all these sounds from the hospital, my kid’s voice, and his breathing, like all his first breaths, and then it just goes on, you know? Like all that stuff, like “Ocean Steps”, those were the first time he walked in the ocean. We went out to British Columbia like when he was 6 months old and he was in the ocean. I don’t even know what I was doing, I wasn’t planning on doing all these recordings, then I just ended up having these recordings.
And just mixing them right in.
Yeah and one night I had this song, or, I had this track I was working on with Myka 9, and then he hit me up. He was like, “Hey man, I want to do another song.” He was saying that he was going through some deep stuff – I think his father had just passed away. And then I was – I got woken up with Camper because there was a huge storm, and I recorded the storm and I just saved the beat for First Storm. I gave it to Myka and he just ended up making the title track for the entire record. We didn’t even really talk about it, we were just both on like I don’t know, man, a lot of those tracks just organically happened. I’m thankful, I think a lot of it is just paying dues, too, just knowing guys and collaborating with people and relationships for 20 years in the industry.
Right, and I mean, with Myka, you’ve had that relationship with him for awhile now. On this album, you have artists that you’ve worked with in the past, like Myka, like Ceschi, and like Kay the Aquanaut as well. I guess with the album in general, it all came together pretty organically?
You know, me and Kay have a whole entire record done, he’s moved to Victoria but we had been working on a record and we actually did do songs for Wisdom Teeth, and that “Hurricane Ex” was one of them, but it totally just didn’t fit on Wisdom Teeth, and it didn’t fit on his album, and I just kind of reworked the beat, and then he came over and we put that slight different effect on his voice and he just re-recorded the track and we were just like ok, this track now is ready to come out. We needed to take a year and almost just sit on it, and figure out what we needed to do, and so… So that was actually an old track, but yea, you know, like we were saying it was organic and it was cool. I really enjoyed making that album. I don’t think I’ll ever make a record that quite sounds like that ever again.
This album’s pretty unique – And getting back to Kay the Aquanaut, you know, his last record – it’s great to hear the growth from album to album for some artists. His last record, I just thought it was amazing, and having him here was even better.
He is a seriously under-rated artist.
So you’re already working on stuff for the next album? Haha. Obviously.
Yeah, we have 15 songs done, and the album is going to be called New Physics, and man, it’s very very different. We had this thing where we were doing – because I didn’t have a lot of time, I mean I was kind of like the main caregiver for Camper other than when I went on that long-ass tour with Ceschi and then my wife went back to work – and dude- daycare is insanely expensive, so if I can have Grandma watch him a couple times a week and do my work and work at night? That’s what has to happen right now anyway. So we would know when my mom was going to watch him, Kay would come over for almost like the first year. He would come over for that day, and we would just make a beat, while he was there, he would write some lyrics, and then we might have dinner, like as a family, then we would go downstairs and record the verses. We would get all the songs basically in a day. We were pretty efficient. So now it’s just up to me to mix it. You know the albums take a while to get to the very final stages, it’s usually at least a year in the making.
This album is different in, I mean like you said, probably difficult to market, but it’s just so good. It’s just really good.
You know what I do think, and this isn’t really a brag or anything, but I do think that this record, if you hear it in 5 years, or you hear it next year, it’s still going to have the same weight. It’s not super “current”, it’s more of like… timeless topics. I was kind of letting them know about some of the things with my son and stuff like that so people would look at you, in ways to make that fit and not just make it seem like it “oh that was recorded in 2020, he’s using like references, you know. It was more like a folk-writer that I wanted people to approach the songs.
It’s going to stand the test of time. It’s definitely doing to do that.
I’m hoping so, you know that was kind of my one goal. And not that, I mean that’s usually a big part of the goal but sometimes with the rap albums and certain things, you got to hit at the right time with them, and I think I lucked out because people had time to process First Storm with the pandemic… I don’t know. I feel like it actually was positive for people, they had more time for listening to the music, and I would see my sales like that. Because a lot of the times I’d get a good pre-order sale and then right when it comes out. This album has been like, pretty steady. I find, I’ll get a little bit of press or someone will hear about it or they’ll see the video, and I’ll see some album sales. I’m not buying a new house or nothing but it’s definitely still doing good. So I’m really proud of it – I know I got to do better. You know what I mean? I know I’ve got to step it up. I’ve got the new studio now. Ceschi is still working on his final record. I got to come with a couple more heater beats for him. And I got a new EP with Myka, too. It’s called People Into Making Progress, and that’s going to drop pretty soon on Fake Four and Side Road. We’re going to re-issue 1969, dude, on vinyl.
Aw man. Wait. People Into Making Progress?
That’s what the name of the EP is, and we did it together staying at my house.
So we did all the songs sitting at the same computer and my studio. Dude., Myka was like reading children’s stories to Camper, and it was insane. Myka stayed at my house for a week while we did this Canadian tour, and we did this EP today. So yea. People Into Making Progress. PIMP. It’s like so dope, man!
Yeah! Seriously, man.
So it’s only 4 songs, so it’s going to come out on 7 inch and you got to buy the 1969 pre-order and then you get the 7 inch with it. So Ceschi will announce that soon, and yea. I’m just basically waiting on the cover art for it, and then I’m going to put out the digital when the vinyl drops. It will just be some new content. Some new stuff, you know. I wish we could make an album, but I think these 4 songs are just so finished, that it would be a shame to wait like another year or two to see if Myka and I could somehow coordinate again. Americans can’t even get into Canada right now, and I’m not trying to travel to America to record right now.
No. No reason for that, man. Just release it now and just let it go.
I was real happy to be working on music. Me and him, at my house, you know like, the vocal recordings are so clean. It was quite a good experience because a lot of the stuff we’ve done has been remote. You know sending sessions back and forth. I think I stayed in L.A. for 2 weeks in 2009 with him. We’ve hung out a ton and toured, but for actual recording? We haven’t gotten to do together as much as I would like, I’ll put it that way.
Now, the rest of this pandemic, because I mean, it obviously threw a monkey wrench into plans for everyone- for you it was for First Storm, touring and all that, what are your plans for the near future, because I mean, this isn’t going away any time soon?
I know especially because they’re going to start doing, like live venues, can start having concerts. But dude, like at a normal venue you could have 200 people, you can have 40, 50 people or something. So I’m not going to run out to play a gig for 40 people that may or may barely even want to be there. What am I going to make? A hundred bucks or something? No way. I’m going to hold out. I’m holding out until there’s a vaccine or something. Like I’m not really trying to rush doing shows. I’m going to be in the studio a lot. I’ve been taking a few work for hire gigs. I know I’m just rambling a bit, too right now. That’s not always the best! So I could give you a rundown of what’s going to happen for the next little while if that would be helpful.
Yeah that’s fine!
I’m going to be in the studio working, working on my new stuff, and then there’s going to be the 1969 re-release on Fake Four with the new EP, People Into Making Progress. So that will be the first thing that comes out. And then after that, you know I’m still working on the Ceschi 3rd album in the trilogy. We’re still working really hard on that. We have about 40 songs right now, and we’re trying to wiggle down to an album and then make like another 10, and decide exactly what we want. You know, he wants to make it just insane and I’m down to do whatever I can. We have a bunch of great songs, but the thing is he not only wants good songs, but he also wants them all to work together. So itt takes a little bit of time – we’ll continue working on stuff. And I mentioned I have that Kay record done.
I’m interested to hear that.
I’m going to mix it soon, so that’s next on my list. The Myka 9 is done, that was done right before my studio broke down, and then now the next thing on the mix list is the Aquanaut New Physics. That will probably drop on Side Road. I’m hoping that we have a vinyl release but 100% digital and it’s 15 songs – it’s really cool.
What else? You know other than that, I have some new beats and I’m just kind of like …. I’m honestly just trying to develop a new sound right now. I have 7 beats that I’ve made, I’ve whittled down- If I think about it there’s about 4 that are actual keepers- I’m going to try to just build on that. See kind of what the new equipment brings, the sounds it brings. I don’t even know? Maybe it will be like way cleaner, maybe it won’t. We’ll see. Everything’s just plugged in now, I’m about to make my first beat- probably not tonight. I’d say Monday I’m going to get at it.
Cool. So I mean, aside from that, you’ll just be in the backyard with Camper…?
That’s it man, and – I bike ride. Like we go out on, he has kind of the chariot behind the bike, so we go out, we load it up with like snacks, got the diaper bag, we got the kiddy-care going on. We go for like 2-hour bike rides. We hit a couple of parks on the way. I’m trying to get my physical fitness on, too, you know, I’m like doing push-ups on the playground. I’m trying to be out here a bit too still!
Yeah, alright. I appreciate your time.
It’s good to talk to you man! It has been, like, I will say, I went on a little bit long-winded but it’s been me, Camper, and Allison every day all day for like months, so you know it was good to have this chat.
I get it, man! It’s ok to vent sometimes you know. And it’s like kind of what you did a little bit here.
I just went off a bit and that’s, like ah, just like something you know, oh ok we’re talking about music! Usually, I’m just in the back yard with Camper talking about Hot Wheels or something.
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