Xenia Rubinos Shares Video “Cógelo Suave”

New York City’s own Xenia Rubinos returns with the animated video for the new single “Cógelo Suave.” The Animated by Stephen Smith, the video features a psychedelic conglomeration of coquis – frogs native to Puerto Rico – in a joyful and inquisitive visualization of the song. Ever present is Rubinos’ bewildering voice and maze-like knack for melody. Of the video/song Rubinos offers, “It’s a gibberish spaceship ride, high speed chase, birds and stars whirling around your head at the end of a cartoon fight.”

Birthed from a bass line she would often play during soundcheck, the song responds to the question that so many lately find impossible to answer: “how are you?’’. After looping through an electric, chaos-containing melody, the song resolves on the repeated phrase ‘just work it out,’ making it all seem possible. The track was recorded in the height of quarantine (Spring 2020), when the world was slipping into a deep kind of chaos, Xenia’s mom had an experience with covid, and it was generally hard to tell which way was up, the process of making the track provided a cloak of resilience. “The more I think about it, the more I realize that the world was totally burning down around us while we were producing this track and in the song, I guess I’m saying ‘I’m fine. THIS IS FINE,” says Xenia.