Sometimes we’re tasked with compiling things and getting an overview from others to give an eclectic overview of things, and this time I’m the one tasked with it. We’ve taken 24 of some of the best songs for 2024…so far. There may have been more but we have the rest of the year to delve into them so for the time being, this is what we’ve found.
“Exquisite Corpse” – J. Robbins (Dischord)
It wasn’t difficult to find something great off of Basilisk (Dischord), the latest effort by J. Robbins (Jawbox/Burning Airlines). Actually, it was a toss-up because everything on this release smacks with intensity. We went with “Exquisite Corpse” because the title track would have been too obvious a choice. The guitars and melodies are amazing all around.
“ZWAARD_OVER” – BEANS Feat. Antipop Consortium
What??? ZWAARD is the latest release by APC emcee BEANS and on “ZWAARD_OVER” we find HPRIZM and the elusive M. Sayyid for the assist. All three emcees back together again here with more of the abstract than a Pollack we’ve ever seen. No one can rhyme over beats like this the way APC can.
“BYE BYE” – Kim Gordon
Kim Gordon has come way into her own with her 2nd proper solo release but “BYE BYE,” shows off her skills through insane beats. Who’s the latest rapper that’s going to come calling on her for beats? Someone surely will.
“Done” – Soultru
The soulful artist Soultru moves into a different direction with “Done” as he sings but shares crazed rhymes around beats produced by NuWaves. If you thought the musician only traveled with his guitar, he just shocked everyone, expanding his style. If you’re not feeling it, you’re wrong.
“World On Fire” – Oddisee
Oddisee doesn’t need any introduction, as a known producer and emcee and his “World On Fire” sets the tone not just for Hip-Hop but for a variety of styles. He never fails to impress and here he does it with 70s-era style, firmly footed within the contemporary.
“No Reservation/Love Comes Crashing” – METZ
Come on, by this point METZ should be a household name and with “No Reservation/Love Comes Crashing,” the band sets the bar through its loud and abrasive style while conjoining it with loads of melody and dissonance. Two songs in one and it doesn’t get better than this.
“Cold Eggs” – RJD2
Maybe this is how we should always start our days as RJD2 returns with a new album as the opening “Cold Eggs” is the instrumental we may not have asked for but definitely needed. Any emcee would probably pay their weight in gold to use this joint or at least be allowed a featured spot but the beat doesn’t need anything else. It stands alone, stands apart.
“begonias” – R.A.P. Ferreira & Fumitake Tamura Feat. HPRIZM
Beats R.A.P. Ferreira has used throughout the years have been low-key which he’s always elevated with his wordy and intuitive rhymes. Fumitake Tamura provides the beat here which suits him well. Who else do we find here? HPRIZM (Antipop Consortium, a/k/a High Priest) and I want to listen to both of these cats over and over again.
illuminati hotties – “Didn’t” Feat. Cavetown
It’s not hard to fall in love with the music created by Illuminati hotties and “Didn’t” featuring Cavetown off of the new POWER (Hopeless Records) is no different. Both artists volley catchy and cooing vocals on this pop/rock single that hooks and reels you right in.
“Exit 9” – Killer Mike
Man, Killer Mike has had an amazing year with his album Michael winning 3 Grammys and then releasing remixes, which includes “Exit 9” with BLXST & Offset. There’s nothing Killer Mike is unable to accomplish.
“Spins” – LUCI
NY artist LUCI is different from anything you’ve ever heard. She takes her music to a different plane altogether and “Spins” is a clear example of it with her unique cadence and delivery. The song is as hypnotic as they come. She’s set to change the game altogether.

“Y Grito” – Angélica Garcia
Around the sweetness of Angélica Garcia’s voice through most of her new album Gemelo (Partisan Records), comes “Y Grito,” an infectious storm which highlights her voice. She knows where she’s going and this is her war cry. Yeah, her time is now.
“After The Impossible” – Hot Water Music
This was a tough decision when it comes Hot Water Music’s new album but “After The Impossible” might just take the band to another level altogether. There’s always been a semblance of roots rock to the band, much like early Springsteen and that’s how it seems without the band relinquishing its powerful guitar chords.
“Praise Be The Man”(Remix) – dälek
This is some new shit, but it’s not new shit. This was originally dälek’s first album, almost 40 minutes of music that was much different than anything else we heard in Hip-Hop. The re-released Negro Necro Neckros contains 5 additional tracks, including the remix of “Praise Be The Man,” although it’s shortened and offers that Boom Bap. A favorite song that I’m happy everyone gets to hear.
“FUCK OFF” – Angry Blackmen
Is this the anthem of Chicago’s Angry Blackmen? “Fuck Off” delivers an aggressive track with disdain for law enforcement as the two emcees attempt to navigate through life. Yeah, ABM is onto something and is intent in delivering it its own way.
“Involuntary Solitary” – Gentlemen Rogues
Texas has a long lineage of guitar-driven music and Gentlemen Rogues is intent on adding itself into the mix. “Involuntary Solitary” burns with the passion of a thousand suns. It has everything you need in driving guitars, pummeling rhythms and catchy vocals.
“Cease Fire” – Frank Turner
The English Folk Punk Rocker is an amazing songwriter and delivers an emotional “Cease Fire,” with shifting dynamics and inventive instrumentation. This is that one song you should listen for yourself and if you think I’m wrong, no, it’s you. Everything is wrong with your life.

“I Would Like To Pet It” – JD Pinkus
Many have slept on JD Pinkus (Daddy Longhead, Butthole Surfers, Melvins, Honky) who comes with a resumé, as well as a growing catalog of his own. He’s inventive with his banjo playing and incorporating it into his own song structures. “I Would Like To Pet It” doesn’t only include his banjo but turns the song into an atmospheric orchestrated rock song sans strings and horns.
“Falling Down” – Blueprint
Blueprint has always been a masterful storyteller who allows listeners to visualize his music. He paints the imagery clearly on “Falling Down” and always picking himself back up, dealing with loss, and getting rid of those that only come around when he’s winning. His production work is always second to none.
“Remembering” – Pedro The Lion
Things eventually come into focus with Pedro The Lion, both figuratively and literally. Honestly, there’s never anything David Bazan does that would make me look at him any differently. “Remembering” holds onto some melancholy but still allows the positivity to come through his words and music. It’s one amazing song.
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