Video Premiere: SnakeFoot “Death Decay (feat. Stephanie Wilson)”

As L.A. denizen SnakeFoot gets ready & set to launch his sophomore release Ends (Dome Of Doom) on March 26, 2021, the multi-faceted, dimensional, and instrumentalist has a few surprises up the proverbial sleeve. While Ends elaborates and expands on his debut Retronyms, SnakeFoot is offering up new definitions in a language he’s created and polished all his own.

SnakeFoot delves into electronic music in a very interesting manner; experimenting with an aesthetic of songwriting that incorporates so much more into his structures. And while he may fall in line with other visionaries and contemporaries, what SnakeFoot creates is unique, distinct, with moments that defy classification. For Ends, SnakeFoot wrote, performed, and recorded a majority of the music throughout the past few years, but it also including members of his SnakeFoot Orchestra as well, which includes Stephanie Wilson on vocals and flute, Derek Rice on wurlitzer, Grass Mansion on sax, and Nick Nunca on vocals, guitar, and co-production. The 10-track album will include bonus material of five additional tracks found on the cassette and digital version on Bandcamp.

Of the album SnakeFoot shares, “I send Stephanie [Wilson] music on a weekly basis. She’s an assassin in the studio and one of my favorite people to work with. I’ve watched her record five part harmonies in five takes and it’s perfect. Seriously a mind blowing amount of talent. I was in Los Angeles and sent her the beats for “Cloud Chamber” and “Windose.” She’s based in Vermont. She sent me back layered vocals she recorded on the phone. I put them in the tracks, always planning on re-recording them in the studio. We did end up re-recording them while I was back in Vermont, but I liked the iPhone recordings so much that they stayed in those tracks. What’s on the album is a blend of the phone and the studio recordings. Quirky right?! Nick Nunca plays guitar in the band and does live visuals for my sets. He’s based in NYC. On Sippin’, I sent him the sketch for the beat and he sent back the guitar he recorded, which sounds nothing like guitar. He recorded into his modular rig and did his magic and sent that back. I put that in and sent it back and then he recorded the vocals. That’s a pretty standard progression of how the tracks get worked up now that we are all in different cities. Mestizo I met through playing drums in the band The Heavy Twelves (heavy electronic psych group helmed by Egadz from Los Angeles). We recorded an album called Big Bad Death and Mestizo does all the vocals on it. Sent him the beat, he sent me back the vocals. I freaked out. It was so sick and that’s pretty much that.”

In anticipation of the release, SnakeFoot shares the video/single for “Death Decay (feat. Stephanie Wilson).” The frenetic pace is juxtaposed by Wilson’s breathy vocals and result is eerily stunning as the song is sometimes pulled into two varying directions but makes complete sense in the end.

Director Susie Haubner:
“We rose at dawn to capture the moody Mars-like effect of the desert. Working with vintage cameras can be a real experience. One of the cameras we shot on is a little beauty made in Japan in 1974 but doesn’t run well under 55 degrees so keeping it warm enough to shoot was a fun endeavor involving body heat, a fur coat, and a bag lined with hand warmers. For us, creating the visuals was also about having a really awesome experience. That’s when you get real magic on film. We drifted cars, hung out by the campfire, and crossed our fingers that by living well we were creating a masterpiece.”

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