Video Premiere: George Arthur Calendar, “Jazzcat”

Step in the musically majestic world of Mexican/American musician George Arthur Calendar and you found yourself in the most tropical of environments.  Currently residing in Chicago, Calendar’s world travels that includes stops in his native Mexico to New Zealand have presented the musician of influence.  This journey has instilled a psychedelic funk with tropical flavor. 

Today Calendar has released the video for his latest single “Jazzcat.”  Going along with his suave and velvety synth pop instrumentals, Calendar’s singing is a cool breeze that elevates the lounge-like vibe track.

Here is Calendar on his single: “Jazzcat” is the peace after the storm, that sweet moment of serenity and stability after a very rough moment in my life — specifically, the start of the pandemic and a break-up at the same time about a year ago.

This song is my own funky psychedelic headspace where I spend most of my first months of quarantine hanging while in real life I was actually trying to cope with the struggle of living alone in my apartment in Chicago amid all these changes.

Writing this song was and is a moment of awareness of my last 5 years living in this world, a moment of breakups but also a moment of new beginnings. But now I have a more elevated perspective and am able to go with the flow more.

The video itself is a parody of how we are our own obstacle but we also can be our own hero. The video is about not taking ourselves too seriously and make a dance out of our bad moments; to enjoy and embrace the only thing its real, the present, here and now.
“Que dificil es decir adios” is the main theme of the song, which translates to, “it is so hard to say goodbye.“ But it’s in a very sarcastic and humorist point of view, so I adopted as my daily mantra with a twist: To be ready to say bye, thanks, and also to say what’s up to the excitement of change and all the new moments yet to come.”

Photo Courtesy: Carolina Sanchez