The tail end of 2021 saw the release of Artson’s Queendom, his 7th album in just a 3-year span, which is an ode, or rather, a love story the indigenous rapper penned about his wife, for his wife. Moments throughout the release find the artist revealing his emotions on each track and listeners get a sense of the impact one person can have on another. In this case, it’s She-Rōze, his fellow emcee, activist, and better half.
Today Artson shares the new video for “Heavy Heart,” which also features She-Rōze. Within the video imagery here things are much…different. We find Artson struggling in search of that lifeline he finds in She-Rōze. The visual gloominess, which can almost be viewed as obsessive, is offset by their words, which are focused on the bond the two have as She-Rōze plays the roll of Artson’s protector.
“The album is dedicated to my wife,” he says. “Over the last year, she really held me down. I went through a deep state of depression at one point, and if it wasn’t for her, I don’t know what I would have done. She gave me strength and encouraged me to keep pushing forward with my music. As I look around, I think that’s also a reflection of the times we’re in. It’s strong women like her holding our communities together and taking a stand to build a better future. It’s time we recognize that. It’s time we acknowledge and celebrate that, because if the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that another day is never promised. So we got to share what’s in our hearts. Now, while we can. Growing up, I came from a family of broken relationships,” he continues. “That made me also want to share what I now know is possible to have with someone if, as a man, you can put your ego aside and see women for all they’re worth. As an artist, that’s my job. To show the world what’s possible in life if you put your whole heart into something.”
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