TRZTN Shares Video “Black Exit” feat. Paul Banks

Paris/NYC musician, composer and producer TRZTN (Tristan Bechet) just officially released his hypnotic single + video “Black Exit” ft. Interpol’s Paul Banks.

It’s off his otherworldly album also featuring Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ Karen O, Jonathan Bree, Surfbort’s Dani Miller, and more – Royal Dagger Ballet set for release on January 22, 2021. He’s collaborated with Karen O before, on Spike Jonze’s Where the Wild Things Are, Rise of The Tomb Raider video game, and brands like Nike, Dior, Chanel, Givenchy, etc. He also of course fronted industrial no-wave band Flux Information Sciences on Michael Gira of Swans’ Young God Records (featured in acclaimed documentary Kill Your Idols).