DVD Review: Underworld: Awakening

If you thought the series with Kate Beckinsale ended with the trilogy, think again. Another Underworld movie and the concept has expanded once more. While some diehard fans will scoff at the idea of the human element getting involved into warring with both lichen (wolves) and vampire, this short film (at about an 1.5 hours) pulls all the right punches. Twelve years pass as Selene (Beckinsale) has been put on ice by humans after her capture and experimenting with her DNA or possibly combining hers and Michael Corbin’s to make a test tube baby, the first vampire/liken hybrid born. Like anything else, corruption is always the undercurrent and what looks “human” truly isn’t. Lichens have slowly attempted to infiltrate humanity and have done a good job until it all comes crashing down on them in the form of Selene’s fight prowess and her daughter’s increasing power. The one problem with the film is it’s left open ended for another film to follow. This process has never been successful (Matrix) except for Lord Of The Rings and Harry Potter films. It will annoy most and leave some craving for more blood, fighting and fantasy. Are you the former or the latter? (Lakeshore Entertainment & Sketch Films) by Eddie Ugarte