Song Premiere | hialeah, ‘Omission’


Toronto-based multi-instrumentalist Scott Girouard started releasing music as hialeah in 2021, and over the next year, he made two trips to the States to work with producer Fred Mascherino (Taking Back Sunday, Say Anything).  What came from those sessions were songs that offered a blend of alternative, melodic hardcore, R&B, pop, and jazz crafted into a familiar, but also distinctly unique, sound of its own. 

This uplifting new single, “Omission,” is hialeah’s label debut for Heading East Records and it hits digital streaming platforms. Girouard’s years of experience are evident in the fact that he’s playing all the instruments but sounds so much like a cohesive band.  He has since put a live band in place and has been playing shows around Toronto.  A full-length record is in the works and sees release this Summer.


Photo courtesy of hialeah