Song Premiere | Compilations, ‘Hear You Me’

On August 2, Austin, Texas-based music collective Compilations will release its cover of “Hear You Me” by Jimmy Eat World with proceeds from sales going to Equality Texas.

Purchase it here.

This is what Compilations’ Terry Irwin says about it: 

”My Moms have been together since 1990 and were married in 2015. My biological Mom is Diann and her wife is Linda. I call them both Mom. They are the most kind, selfless, loving, and supportive parents anyone could ask for. I am so grateful to have them as parents and grandparents to my sons.

“Linda (aka Greeney), was diagnosed with Stage IV small-cell lung carcinoma in September 2022. It’s been a slow progression but more recently, the cancer has metastasized to her brain and liver.

“My son Addison learned ‘Hear You Me’ by Jimmy Eat World on guitar and performed it for my Mom and Greeney. They loved it and it soon became a favorite song of theirs. I listened closely to the original version for the first time in years. The chorus “May angels bring you in,’ brought me to tears while waiting at a red light on my way to work that morning. I realized we should record this song together. This was to be Addy’s first time in a studio and his first time singing.

“The amazing and talented Noelle Hampton was kind enough to work with him to help get his voice studio ready. We returned to Test Tube Audio with Kevin Butler, who I worked with for the Powerless EP.  Kevin is fast and efficient and always manages to make us sound better than I imagine we can. We tracked vocals with Noelle at her home studio, where she also sang backup vocals.

“This song helped us process our grief and emotions around Greeney’s terminal illness, and she plans to include the song at her memorial when that day arrives. Recording this cover song allowed the healing process to begin for me and Addison, as well.”

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