Kool Keith Shares “Black Elvis 2 Intro,” Announces New Album

Get ready for a mind-bending trip through the Hip-Hop cosmos with the one and only Kool Keith.  Black Elvis is back with his long-awaited sequel! Kool Keith takes his information-age rhymes to a whole new level, with a sound that’s equal parts street and space.  Featuring collaborations with Marc Live, Raaddrr Van, Dynamite, L’Orange, J. Stylez, Agallah and the legendary Ice-T, Black Elvis 2 (Mello Music Group) will leave you reeling.

Plug in your Ethernet and dial-up to travel through Kool Keith’s inimitable multi-verse. Black Elvis 2 is set to be released on 6-16-23. With the announcement of the new album, Kool Keith has just released the opening title track of the album, “Black Elvis 2 Intro,” and it’s sure to be what we’ve all come to expect from the formidable emcee. The track slaps harder than Geraldo Rivera getting bitchslapped by David Schultz.