BEANS Shares “ZWAARD 1,” Announces New Album

It’s about to go down. That’s normally the perspective of most when considering BEANS and his wide-ranging catalog of music. As one-third of the highly creative Antipop Consortium, BEANS flourished creatively and has continued to do so throughout his solo career. That solo career has amassed an assortment of releases which began with his first album Tomorrow Right Now which hits the 20-year mark this coming March 10th.

March 15, 2024, will mark the release of his 14th long player – I include all those mixtape-like releases, ZWAARD (Tygr Rawwk), and there’s no sign of slowing down. The new release is a collaboration with Finnish producer Sasu Ripatti, better known under the monikers Vladislav Delay and Luomo. Today BEANS shares the reverse disjointedness of “ZWAARD 1,” where Ripatti’s layered percussion matches the verbosity of wording & phrasing BEANS provides. It attacks the senses from multiple angles yet coalesces within its own reality. This is the second single off the new album, and it follows “ZWARRD_OVER,” which features his Antipop Consortium cohorts, HPRIZM & M. Sayyid.