Album Review: The Ash Lovelies – Ode to Arlington

The Ash Lovelies - Ode to Arlington
Artist: The Ash Lovelies
Album: Ode to Arlington

Rating: 1 out of 5

Rating: 1 out of 5

Imagine if you will, and I know it’s a stretch, that it’s 3 a.m. and you’re too baked to get off the couch. I know, I know…a stretch. Suddenly, the blown out sound of a no-budget infomercial scares the shit out of you. A group “founded to bring musicians and songwriters together to create pop fusions and stream of consciousness lyrics,” you say? “Chamber Folk Tangle Pop.” kidding? You heard the sun come shining down, and it spoke to you and sang in colors…get the fuck outta town! Everyone involved is wearing a red-checkered dress shirt and painfully smiling as tepid dad-rock assaults your mellow. Maybe it’s a shitty late night access comedy show. Maybe it’s the 50 pepperoni rolls and 2 liter of Mountain Dew finally kicking in. Because this can’t be real, right?
C’mon, pepperoni rolls would never do you this wrong. All painfully real, unfortunatly. This is…ummm….not my thing. If you’ve read this far, I feel safe vouching that this is also not your thing. Dad-rock is almost an insult. I know plenty of dads that wouldn’t listen to this. Tepid, however, is pretty much spot on. (Factor 21)