Hovvdy, the Texas duo comprised of Charlie Martin and Will Taylor, share a video for their new single “Everything,” directed by Boone Patrello. The track, co-produced by the band and Andrew Sarlo (Big Thief, Bon Iver, Dijon), was written during the sessions for their 2021 breakthrough album True Love, out now on Grand Jury. “‘Everything’ is a song about having fun even when you miss the mark,” says Taylor. The brighter, more uptempo spark of “Everything” kept the song from fitting alongside its more subdued counterparts on True Love. Instead, with a skittering banjo over a propulsive drum machine loop and layered vocals, it sounds more like a spiritual successor to the pre-True Love singles “Runner” & “I’m Sorry.”
The band is currently making their debut appearance in London, playing a pair of sold out shows. The first took place last night at Rough Trade West, the second is set for tonight at a capacity Omeara. Next month the band embarks on a full US tour with support from Molly Parden and Mini Trees. Tickets are on sale now via hovvdy.com/tour.
Photo Courtesy: Adam Alonzo
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