The moment we see John Dwyer, Kyp Malone, Tom Dolas, Brad Caulkins, Ryan Sawyer, Peter Kerlin, Marcos Rodriguez, Laena “Geronimo” Myers-Ionita, Joce Soubiran, and Andres Renteria we all know something special is in the making. This collaborative effort is the joining of OSEES members and Kyp Malone (TV On The Radio), experimentation well within everyone’s comfort zone. This isn’t the first time this crew of musicians has worked together though, 2020 seeing the release of Bent Arcana from this collective.
That first release, mostly instrumental, contained a wide array of instrumentation and is an amazing piece of work that truly remains unclassifiable. The group gives its first look into its sophomore release, Moon-Drenched (Castle Face Records), which is set to drop on May 28, 2021. The album follows the same path Bent Arcana paved the way for and today the group delivers the video for “Psychic Liberation. At almost seven minutes, the band attempts to take listeners on a journey into sound. Director Aaron Schrader explains, “A seven-minute improvisation on Moon-Drenched — what’s not to like? We gathered around the campfire for a few sessions to pick our brains and see what concepts stuck. Eventually, we settled on a seemingly normal nighttime routine, but with a bent. We describe the concept as Jodorowsky doing his take on Martin Scorsese’s “The Big Shave.” Fortunately, the actors were down with our schemes, so we bought the toilets, sinks, and starbursted mirrors and got to work.”
John Dwyer in turn offers, “We can all use a moment of peace and for me that is improvisation. Take your mind out of the game for a short while. Life is full of affronts and tests but pure art for art’s sake is where it’s at. Good luck out there, be strong.”
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