Video Premiere | The Racing Pulses, ‘Hidden Away From Sunlight’

A music video from The Racing Pulses 2023 single “Hidden Away From the Sunlight” premieres today, and it’s absolutely gorgeous. Packed with fast bass notes, metallic guitar tones, searing synth lines, and drumbeats which are like a sonic stampede at some points, it is one of the heaviest cuts to be released by the Madison, Wisconsin-based outfit.

Inspired by a video game music contest where winning songs became part of the soundtrack of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, the recording session for “Hidden Away From the Sunlight” was quick because The Racing Pulses needed to meet the competition’s deadline.

“I was writing lyrics the day of the studio session. I was working under pressure, but….I knew the song was solid, and that the band could deliver a high-level performance.” Kristian Petrov Iliev, the creator of the music project, says. 

That urgency and confidence is transmitted in everything from the tempo of the song, to the gritty-yet-retro-polished production applied by audio engineers Brian Liston and Max Jewer of Clutch Sound and Picture. Liston, who has worked with Icelandic rockers Kaleo, was also the director of the music video, and the video features drummer Mike Newby rocking out on a drum kit with a “red electrocardiogram logo” representing The Racing Pulses, designed by Iliev.

“Hidden Away From the Sunlight” is also the first official song by The Racing Pulses to feature bassist and synth player Daniel Dougherty, who appears in the video and whose smooth and catchy notes are augmented with effects, giving the song a stellar atmosphere. 

Remarking on the creative process which actualized the music video, Iliev adds, “Brian has tons of experience and talent, and has worked with lots of big names. He developed the storyboard before we filmed, and I think it guided us to some really strong scenes. Dan let us borrow the Mercedes-Benz convertible and Brian also recruited Joel Flory, a very talented gaffer who has also worked on major projects such as Donky Hodie and Keith Richards: Under the Influence, to help with the lights and effects. Truly, it was a team effort, and we had a lot of fun on set.” 

Photo by Pete Olsen Photography