Video Premiere | Dylan Owen “Romantic Language”

Musical sensibilities don’t come easy, and after quietly releasing a handful of albums emcee Dylan Owen continues to come into his own. The young artist is set to release the latest Do Before You Die Mixtape – out tomorrow September 27, 2024 – a 4-track release he’s ready to set the world ablaze with. The L.A.-by-way-of-NY rapper has worn many hats throughout his career, building friendships along the way with a wide array of artists allowing his growing confidence to shut sh… down!

Today Owen shares the first single of the release with the video for “Romantic Language.” The song itself has an unrestrained energy that translates easily through the visuals, which shows an energetic Owen who can hardly contain his excitement through his words and we can all feel it. The way we all see him here, he wants to shout unrestricted, from rooftops, in search of new things, new ideas. With “Romantic Language,” he explains what was behind it all in his own words.

There are a lot of things I want to do before I die. This entire mixtape series is me attempting to check a big one off my bucket list: record songs that show off my many styles of self-expression & the music that saved my life. This first DO mixtape, with “Romantic Language” on it, is my homage to hip-hop that inspired me as a young kid. I shout out some historical rapper-producer relationships because that’s the loyalty I feel with my crew, my friends, my family. “Romantic Language” is the last release from tape one…hope folks love it.

– Dylan Owen