Tiberius b shares another taste of their new EP DIN with the second single and visualizer for “Delicate People.” Directed by Aidan Zamiri. On “Delicate People,” thoughts race over silvery acoustic guitar riffs, articulating the many contradictions in loss—tears pour or vanish out of the blue, and existence is met with gratitude and disdain. Tiberius adds: “I wrote this song after finding out my friend died in a sudden accident in 2020. I was told the day before going to my grandma’s funeral and it was just a very overwhelming time of grief not only in these very clear personal ways but globally also.”
DIN marks a new era for the artist, delineating their most poetic, incisive songwriting to date. Unconsciously influenced by highlights from their parent’s CD collection, like Portishead, Underworld and Massive Attack, these five tracks expand on the musical motifs of Stains (Zelig, 2021), spanning grunge, trip-hop, folk and Brit pop.
Photo Courtesy: Aidan Zamiri
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