Swami & The Bed Of Nails (Feat. Swami John Reis) Shares “Privacy,” Announce Debut Album

Swami & the Bed of Nails featuring Swami John Reis (Hot Snakes, Drive Like Jehu, Rocket From The Crypt, PLOSIVS, and more) are excited to announce the Friday, August 2 release of the band’s debut album, All Of This Awaits You (pre-order/pre-save/pre-add here). Produced by John Reis and mixed by Ben Moore, All Of This Awaits You was born out of the final Hot Snakes writing sessions in 2023. Transforming into what Reis describes as “a growing tributary” after the passing of his longtime friend and bandmate Rick Froberg, the songs on the eventual nine-song album presented here come from this challenging time of reflection and redirection. 

All Of This Awaits You
 is an immediate blast of joy intended to celebrate our time on Earth. It is nostalgia for a past that probably never happened. It is the hope that the future will consider embracing the innocence of rock ‘n’ roll. It is an idealized pursuit intended to elevate the status of the simplest pleasures and ridicule the unattractive lust of the unhindered ambitious. The music is a reenactment of the past lives of elderly teenagers returning once again to sustain their echo. All Of This Awaits You is punk rock music, but your guess is as good as ours when it comes to the meaning of that. Watch the video for the album’s punchy new single, “Privacy.”

“We were all very excited about the initial recordings, and the songs set the bar high,” Reis recalls from those 2023 Hot Snakes writing sessions. “As I continued writing, I started to notice some songs would likely have an eventual home on a different record of some kind. This music branched off and I figured I’d revisit it sometime in the years to come with 2024 being an exciting year for Hot Snakes. Lots of good times planned ahead. When Rick [Froberg] suddenly passed, I was completely heartbroken and shellshocked. The loss continues to be something I have trouble navigating. This record is the songs of that tributary. In November 2023, I decided to finish it and turn it into something. At the time I felt paralyzed and confused so I tried to un-paralyze myself by surrounding myself with friends, making something out of nothing, playing music which felt timely to me, and make plans. The best plan seemed to consist of me jumping back on guitar, doing some yelling and singing, getting in the van and visiting the many villages and selling my wares.”