Last month, New York’s LAPÊCHE released its second album Blood In The Water. The release walks the line between nature and nurture, objective reality and subjective perspective, joy and pain, suffering and hope, and addiction and sobriety. Across the songs that make up Blood in the Water, Krista navigates our inextricable connection to others. The band shares the new video for its single “Elbow Grease.” .
“Elbow Grease” is the qualification of a drinking problem. The speaker believes she’s got everyone fooled. At first alcohol was magic, then medicine, then misery. She makes all the right steps at the beginning of the video, with elation and energy. Slowly she fades. Ever more out of sync, out of step, pulled down by addiction, despite best efforts to roll up her sleeves and put on a good show for everyone. Acceptance finally descends, hopefully leading our dancer toward some peace and redemption.

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