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Gel Roc Shares “Memoirs”

Never going gently into that good night, but also moving in stealth, Westcoast denizen Gel Roc delivers album after album …

Cursive Shares “Bloodbather” 

Ahead of this Friday the 13th’s release of their 10th album, Devourer (Run For Cover Records), Cursive has shared their new single …

Anti-Pop Consortium Reuniting

Anti-Pop Consortium never left us. When the quartet of M. Sayyid, Earl Blaize, Hprizm, and Beans disbanded in 2009 after the …

Envy Returns With Single “Whiteout”

Japanese underground legends Envy announce the second single from their 8th full-length, Eunoia (Temporary Residence LTD.), out October 11, 2024. Following the shoegaze-inspired …

Bodega Share “N.A.S.S.” 

After the band’s less than lackluster Our Brand Could Be Yr Life earlier this year, there might be redemption once …