“Surface Changes” is the latest video to emerge from Kaki King’s groundbreaking new work, The Neck is a Bridge to the Body, produced in collaboration with Dawn of Man Productions. This visually striking video, which premiered on WNYC’s “Soundcheck”, perfectly captures King’s dynamic live show.
Using the body of the guitar as an alternative projection screen, image and sound converge to enhance one another and offer the audience a renewed musical experience. King’s emotive composition is highlighted using images that allow listeners to be moved by and with the music. The end result is an incredibly imaginative, provocative, and beautiful presentation by Kaki King. The renowned guitarist and composer brings the same commanding inspiration to her live show of ‘The Neck is a Bridge to the Body’.
The artist hailed by Rolling Stone as “a genre unto herself” will be performing at Rough Trade in Brooklyn on May 21 and be sure to check out King’s new video for ‘The Surface Changes’.
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