Anthers Releases Pedigree Pig, Offer Top 10 “Feel Good Movies”

Seattle’s Anthers releases its debut album, Pedigree Pig, on September 20. Comprised of vocalist/guitarist EJ Tolentino, drummer Taylor Clark, and bassist Kevin Blanquies, Anthers initially came up during the Covid lockdown. The three had been friends in the Seattle music scene and were interested in forming a project prior, but that was put on hold with the pandemic. The collective reaction to the restlessness the band all felt was to start a project that was as weird and heavy as possible.

“UGGO” was the first song written, and it set the tone for how unconventional the trio could get with the project. From this, they found that they all had fairly distinct melodic and rhythmic sensibilities that worked together well, resulting in music influenced by the likes of Gilla Band, Metz, Bjork, Mandy Indiana, Psychotic Monks, Geneviève Castrée, Holy Fuck, DJ Alice, At the Drive-In, Exotica, Carpenter Brut, The Simpsons, and I Think You Should Leave.

Pedigree Pig was recorded, produced, and mixed by Dylan Wall at 7 Hills Studio and Tastefully Loud (Weed, Naked Giants, Naomi Punk, So Pitted), and mastered by Ed Brooks at Resonant Mastering (Fleet Foxes, Minus the Bear, Pearl Jam). Preorder it here.

While you’re waiting in anticipation for Pedigree Pig’s release, Tolentino suggests relaxing with a “feel good” movie might be a good way to kill time. Here are their suggestions:

  1. Misery (1990)

There’s nothing cozier than a Christmas movie about being snowed in during a blizzard, getting lots of rest, eating well, and finding time for your passion in life. Misery is about two strangers becoming very close friends. A woman named Annie Wilkes helps a famous author named Paul Sheldon to complete his next great novel. 

  1. Suspiria (1977)

It’s tough being the new kid in school and even tougher trying to stand out when everyone around you is so talented but that doesn’t stop Suzie Bannion from trying her darndest. This movie always makes me think of all the good times I had growing up with past classmates and the hurdles we had to overcome. Bonus points for the beautiful lighting as well.

  1. The Thing (1982)

Similar to Misery, this movie is another snowed in romp. The difference with The Thing, however, is that it’s an entire group of great friends all getting to bond. Through the power of friendship they all get to discover who they really are on the inside. Bonus points for all the cute puppers in the movie!

  1. Night of the Living Dead (1968)

This is more of a night to remember. A real “will they won’t they” movie. It’s also about not worrying what others might think of you for being different. There’s nothing wrong with standing your ground and not conforming to what everyone else wants you to do.

  1. 28 Days Later (2003)

I love this movie because it reminds me that we’re never truly alone. At times when you might feel like there’s no one in your life or that nobody cares, it can all be turned around. All you have to do is say “hello” and you’ll have plenty of friends rushing to you to give you a big hug.

  1. Brazil (1985)

Some people say chasing your dreams is foolish. This film encourages you to make your dreams a reality. “Brazil” is a precious love story about finding the perfect work-life balance. Sure, it may be nice to be valued as a higher-up at work but at what cost to your personal life? Everyone needs love.

  1. The Shining (1980)

Who doesn’t love a movie about a father doing everything he can to provide for his family? This movie made me recognize that sometimes all you need is a change of scenery. What’s really important in life might be right in front of you and it also doesn’t hurt to splurge on a nice hotel once in a while. When you see what you want, go for it, and don’t let anything stop you.

  1. Akira (1988)

This is the classic coming-of-age tale that’s as old as time. I love this movie because it represents two best friends trying to figure out how to stay in each other’s lives. Life gets a little hectic as we get older but they still always find time for each other. Relationships can be challenging sometimes with arguments and whatnot but friendship always prevails.

  1. Robocop (1987)

Life can be very hard sometimes. Sometimes everyone you’ve ever known and loved can be ripped away forever. Sometimes you experience a life-changing medical procedure and feel like you’re in someone else’s body.  Who better to teach us all how to cope than a robot cop? A robocop.

  1. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

Road trip! We’ve all been young, dumb, and full of fun. This movie is about the never-ending hiccups a group of friends encounters during their pursuit of the best vacation ever! They run into all kinds of screwball characters and the hijinks just never stop. This movie also has one of the greatest “dancing in the street” scenes.

Catch Anthers live here:

Sept 19 – Seattle, WA @ Neumos w/ Black Ends, Zookraught, Dark Chisme

Nov 2 – Seattle, WA @ Clockout Lounge w/ Dion Lunadon (formerly of A Place to Bury Strangers)

Photo by Moni Martinez