Tee Templeton Shares New Single “Frozen Arrows”

Tee Templeton, the 66-year old songwriter who put out his first official release in January, is back with a new song, one that was many decades in the making. “Frozen Arrows”, a string-gilded ode to the numbness that experience and endurance can bring, crystallizes so much of what his music is about—the twists, the turns, the unexpected maneuvers of existence. The song was mixed by Mark Nevers and mastered by Bob Weston, with contributing tracks from Nick Falk (drums), Somer Bingham (background vocals), Duncan Wickel (fiddle), Adam Agati (guitar), and Stu Mahan (bass).

Templeton says, “I wrote this song over 30 years ago. I’ve been carrying it with me, all this time, but could never get it recorded the way I heard it, felt it. It’s been an old friend. I’ve played it out live many times solo and with a band. When I wrote it, the sentiment of the song wasn’t at all how I felt at the time but it turned out to be a foreshadowing of things to come. The phrase “frozen arrows” seems like there’s been some type of betrayal. They are upset beyond what they are capable of handling and they collapse and ask for someone or something out there to give them peace.  I think most everyone has gone through this kind of thing.  I’ve somewhat gone through more than one.”

Two decades ago, when Tee Templeton was in his mid-40s, he decided it was time to finally grow up and, in turn, stop making music. After a divorce, a slew of years lost in a serial bender, a bipolar diagnosis, and a move to New York, Templeton finally found sobriety and a full-time job. Songwriting had always been a lifeline for Templeton, from his childhood in Mississippi to a long and weird run in North Carolina. But he decided to put this lifelong compulsion to write songs aside, so that he could devote his full attention to his career. First, though, he handed his new boss a stack of songs he’d recorded, asking for her candid feedback. Instead of suggesting he stop, she became an ardent fan and demanded he keep going, that he not lose this love he’d had since childhood.

Templeton introduced himself to the world with his song “I have a lotta dreams,”  a powerful ode to self-realization driven by an insistent guitar riff, strings and clever production flourishes that add to the urgency. “Frozen Arrows” and “I have a lotta dreams“ will be featured on Tee’s soon to be announced debut album.

Photo Courtesy: Ebru Yildiz