The Oakland, California duo SUB*T, made up of Jade Alcantara and Grace Bennett, are self-taught musicians. While learning how to play and write music on opposite ends of the country, they deliver a sound that they themselves may think might be reminiscent of Liz Phair and Veruca Salt but this is different. Much different, and offers up so much more.
The band offers up “Boxing Day,” its first single and establishes the band as a one-of-a-kind rock duo. The single covers everything that is difficult and life-changing, wrapping these experiences up neatly into a song that demands your attention. Jade Alcantara and Grace Bennett, who both sing and play guitar on the track, fearlessly bear all to the listener while laying down addictively crafted instrumentals. The collaged cover art features many of the things the girls have boxed up and moved on from, paying tribute to the past while looking forward to their future.
“I think being a fan of music, and more importantly being a female fan of music, you understand what makes it all so magical. You know what feels safe, you know what feels explosive, you know what feels wrong, and you know what feels harmful. I think that a lot of times there’s a huge disconnect between artists and their fans. Whether or not you have a million people worshipping you and messaging you, that doesn’t mean you understand your fans. I’ve felt this truly deep understanding of what creates a community within music for so long and I think that’s what separates us even when writing songs. We imagine our music for other people, first and foremost,” says Jade Alcantara regarding her band and music itself.
On the long-distance songwriting process, Grace Bennett offers, “I honestly think that the distance lets us be more creative sometimes because when we have to do our parts of the songs we’re just by ourselves in our rooms. Not that I feel pressured, but there’s just more of a sense of nobody can hear me right now and nobody can listen and hate what I’m doing. I can just do whatever I want right now and record this in a machine that no one else has to hear if I don’t want anyone else to hear it. A lot of times, that just makes stuff that’s actually really good because you’re not afraid and you can just be yourself.”
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