2012 Wrap Up: Travis Hale (contributing photographer)

Travis Hale

Name & Position: Travis Hale, contributing photographer
Best Album: Colored Emotions by Night moves. Just awesome.
Best New Band: Young Holidays. Super great pop from Milwaukee. He put out his first EP in September and has gotten a lot of hype fast. (http://youngholidays.bandcamp.com/)
Best Underappreciated Album: Maybe Lex Hives I feel like everyone forgets about The Hives. Always so cool.
Best Live Band: I saw The Thermals in Portland this summer. That was super cool.
Favorite Photoshoot: I worked with Max Holiday for Young Holidays EP and single “Teenager” we found our model in American Apparel and used a dressing room. We just needed a picture of her lips so it was kind of a creepy situation at first. Pretty sweet. Also shooting Jaill was awesome.
Best Movie/TV show: Gossip Girl. Without a doubt, it drags me in hard. Best movie of the year in my opinion is Moonrise Kingdom, I really liked that movie.
Best Book or Graphic Novel: This isn’t new by any means but obviously my favorite all time book is “White Fang.” Everyone should give it another read every year.