Song Premiere: FINN, “The Waterfall”

Being deservedly known as Australian troubadours of country blues, FINN are about to shapeshift genre expectations with their forthcoming opus, The Waterfall—a staggering 18-track odyssey set to drop on October 18. The band’s genre blending creates a sonic foundation that dives headfirst into the chaos of human existence. Their music isn’t just about love, lust, and longing—it’s a gritty exploration of everything that makes us tick. 

Today FINN has dropped the title track to the upcoming release, along with an accompanying video.  “The Waterfall” follows the FINN trademark underlying theme — an aspiration for some degree of purity, or as guitarist/vocalist Mark Finn shares, “a promised land that you never quite get to.” FINN’s songwriting process is focused on striving for the execution of the music as it speaks to them, oftentimes drawing from a moment of heavy emotions and infusing that into their lyrics. Other times, inspiration strikes with the simple strum of a guitar chord or a quick brain dump session — maximizing the window of creative songwriting quickly and efficiently.

FINN’s bond is unlike any other as Mark says, “playing together and trying to satisfy ourselves with music is a great passion and privilege.” While it is not unusual for siblings to bicker, Mark and Luke’s playful rivalry and competitiveness have driven them to constantly one-up each other. This unique form of competition has ultimately pushed the band to evolve and advance through their shared drive to outperform. “There’s something to being brothers for sure. You just have a deeper and faster level of communication. The camaraderie, experiences, conversations, and everything that goes with it — maybe even a bit of competition too, in the sense that you want to impress the other,” Mark admits. “I think it comes out best when we play together live. There’s a tightness, an interplay and harmony that’s hard to get organically with others.”

With a discography dating back to 2008, FINN is always writing new songs — consistently leading to a build up of tracks every year or two. In 2021, the duo put out two albums: Mayrose, an acoustic country blues album, and Stonewalling, the rock and blues twin. In 2022, FINN quietly knocked out a 20 track collection of original rock and blues tracks, cheekily titled — Shorthand. “For us, the real excitement comes from the creative process — it’s more of a never ending passion project that’s deeply fulfilling and fun, and that’s how we approach it,” Mark concludes.