Where Future Unfolds is the new project announced by the Chicago-based artist Damon Locks (Trenchmouth, The Eternals). Originally beginning as a solo sound collage piece where Locks would grab hold of samples of Civil Rights era speeches and recordings, creating an improvisational pallet for performance on his drum machine. Locks’ creative explorations border a thin line traversed by the genuine and genius.
The Black Monument Ensemble came into fruition after 4 years of work and blossomed in a 15-piece membership. The ensemble features musicians (including Angel Bat Dawid on clarinets and Dana Hall on drums), singers (alumni of the Chicago Children’s Choir), and dancers (members of Chicago youth dance company Move Me
The recordings on Where Future Unfolds captured the ensemble’s live performance debut at the Garfield Park Botanical Conservatory in Chicago.
“Recalling the spirits of Phil Cohran’s Artistic Heritage Ensemble, Eddie Gale’s Black Rhythm Happening, Archie Shepp’s Attica Blues, and Public Enemy’s It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back, the album presents an inspired, innovative & immediate intersection of
Damon’s Ensemble shares two tracks today,
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