Psychedelic Porn Crumpets Drop Two Singles In Support Of New Album News

Psychedelic Porn Crumpets are staying true to form as one of the most prolific bands out there today, with the announcement they will be releasing their 5th studio album Night Gnomes on Marathon Artists April 22nd. Jack McEwan says, “A lot of the album is about trying to work out what the F#@! is going on, in general life and obviously the period of time we’ve all found ourselves dormant in for the past two years. I started reading a few quotes from philosophers because, hey! They might know what’s going on, but mostly it was a bunch of cleverly worded gibberish that was drenched in self turmoil that thankfully, serendipitously, unbeknownst to me was the thing I found comfort in. That nobody has a clue what life is and we’re all winging it as we go! Cheers, William of Ockham.”

The band is back with another addictive, thrilling double track release to tease the divinely warped and curious sonic mind of songwriter Jack McEwan, in the form of “Bubblegum Infinity” and “Dread & Butter.” The songs show their depth and sonic range and serve as a timely reminder of the ease of which Psychedelic Porn Crumpets can weave many distinctive creative sounds in making something definitively their own.

Just as we saw with the band’s 2021 single “Lava Lamp Pisco,” lead single “Bubblegum Infinity” comes layered with rich guitars and a decidedly more rock feel. However, “Bubblegum Infinity” stands apart with its careening melodies and hypnotic vocals; almost as if King Gizzard & The Lizard met up with Thee Oh Sees for a session. You’d think the fusion of these vibes wouldn’t necessarily work – Psychedelic Porn Crumpets prove that it can. For the song the band waded through nearly 50 different variations of the track before a Eureka moment during a rehearsal jam session revealed its final structure. The song itself wound up as a commentary on the often rudderless nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and “taking comfort in the fact that nobody had a clue what was going on,” according to McEwan. “The song used to open with a huge riff that was sidechained to the kick drum so it sounded like it was thumping, but then that’s how every Crumpets song starts. I swapped the heavy guitars for acoustics, which made it feel way stronger, both dynamically and sonically. It felt like we’d uncovered the clutter which guides the song to build into that chorus and not give anything away beforehand.”

The release of “Bubblegum Infinity” and “Dread & Butter” and Night Gnomes in April comes as Psychedelic Porn Crumpets finally make their return to stages around the world. February sees the group embark on their Australian run supporting Ocean Alley, before heading to the US this spring.