No Edits Share “Time You Kill”

No Edits

Seattle three-piece No Edits share a single from their forthcoming full-length, We All End Up The Same (Better Days Will Haunt You). Listen to “Time You Kill.”

No Edits are a group who both wear their influences proudly on their sleeve and feel no particular allegiance to them. Formerly known as Fixtures, No Edits plays an angular, idiosyncratic form of melodic post-hardcore that fans of the late ’90s Dischord and Jade Tree catalogs will find immediately familiar. But, even though the DNA of greats like Burning Airlines and These Arms Are Snakes is clearly detectable in the band’s mathy yet tuneful approach, No Edits is uninterested in nostalgia.

On their debut LP for Better Days Will Haunt You, We All End Up The Same, No Edits promises to weave together a complex, post-modern synthesis of classic sounds that is free of anachronism, despite all its familiar hallmarks. While the elaborate guitar work and ever-changing time signatures evoke J. Robbins-esque sensibilities, these features are filtered through the distorting lens of the digital age, taking on an off-kilter angst only recognizable to someone intimately familiar with the unique sort of existential malaise summoned up by the present moment in human history. Whether through the propulsive and unpredictable riffing, the powerful vocal performance, or the precise pummeling of the rhythm section, No Edits never sacrifices immediacy for the sake of genre tropes. These elements work in perfect tandem to forge a sound that is as interesting as it is recognizable, heavy as it is melodic, and introspective as it is incensed.

Like Chavez, Jawbox, or Fugazi before them, No Edits aren’t content to color inside the lines.

Look for the LP from No Edits via Better Days Will Haunt You In July. 

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Photo courtesy of No Edits