Man Man’s “On the Mend” is a new highlight from Dream Hunting in the Valley of the In-Between (Sub Pop), dropping May 1st – A heartbreak-post-breakup pop song with Swordfishtrombones – vibes, that includes backing vocals from Steady Holiday’s Dre Babinski and Rebecca Black.
Honus Honus says of the track, “I wrote this a year or so after a painful break-up and although I was in a better place at the time, I wanted to touch on all of those raw emotions someone has to work through in order to get healthy and able to love themselves again. Musically, the tempo, the push, and pull of the band, the openness of it all just drives this home. So, yes, it’s a bit of a heavy song but I think it’s also one about hope, healing, letting go and moving on. The heart can be cruel but you can’t let it consume you.”
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