The beauty of soul and funk is that no matter what, you can’t help yourself but get loose and allow your body to feel the music. UK’s own Crowd Company seems to go about things with that mentality with their modern take on the old school music genre. Comprised of an eight-piece band, Crowd Company also features three knockout singers – Rob Fleming, Esther Dee and Jo Marshall. The band possesses a rawness to their music that catchy to the ears and grooves so smoothly.
Due out on October 20th, Crowd Company will be releasing their latest album ‘Stone & Sky’ via Vintage League Music (VLM). Crowd Company have released one the singles off the album, the toe-tapping “Take Off the Crown”.
Here’s what the band said about the song:
“For ‘Take Off the Crown’ we started the writing process with the music which was focused on groove and catchy hooks. We then created lyrics inspired by some of the madness we are seeing in the world and in particular politics today. We wanted to address that and how better than to write to a heavy groove that makes us wanna move. We ended up having a good old vent. I love songs for that!
We started to think about the power struggle in relationships of all sorts, whether that be an intimate partnership or between two world leaders. On a personal level, how to be heard and accepted but also take responsibility. So I guess it’s about finding “another way”, some sort of balance and resisting the blame game… part of that is letting go of the ego and “Taking off the crown”, which is of course, work in progress!
We recorded the song in fabulous conditions recording at Iron Wax studios in Massachusetts, a fabulous experience for a band from London England. Alan Evans (Soulive) produced the track and created the ideal working conditions and sound for us to realize our vision for the song.”
(For more on Crowd Company:
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