Album Review: Dark Time Sunshine — ANX


Dark Time Sunshine
That one sentence that person said or that thing that happened yesterday is still on your mind and you find yourself constantly repeating it in your head over and over again. You panic and your heart starts racing and you can’t stop questioning yourself and you wonder if you’ve done something wrong, hands get clammy, you breathe in long and count em, 1-2-3, trying to shake it off. Anxiety. There’s no denying that Dark Time Sunshine have dropped yet another masterpiece. DTS have come a long way from their previous release “Vessel” and have much to be proud of. The new album titled, Anx, short for anxiety, is the new child of masterminds Zavala and Onry Ozzborn and damn, this is most definitely worth listening to. Anx starts off with a banger called “Hosanna in the Highest” featuring one of the lovely Ramos brothers, Ceschi from Fake Four Inc., and sets the mood for the rest of the journey. All of the songs on this album are accompanied by Zavala’s brilliant, trippy, calming textured beats and moves perfectly with Onry’s flow and on point delivery, you find yourself relaxing at times and then coming hard at you is a punch in the gut strong enough to get you sweatin’ again. We need more music like this, mixing all kinds of influences into something bigger than itself that hits people where it counts. A drop of sexiness gets thrown into the mix with Reva Devito singing the chorus on “Never cry Wolf”, although the song has underlying tones of heartbreak and anger. It’s packed with special guests, such as Aesop Rock and Child Actor who own their parts with strong confidence. Anx lets you take a step into the panic and confusion and when you least expect it but need it the most, reaches a hand in and pulls you out, reminding you to always look forward because hip hop hasn’t died yet. (Fake Four Inc.) Jessica Whittington