SANDMAN SLEEPS Shares Single “Fellini”

Musically, I was heavy into Joy Division during this time and wanted to make something in that New Wave/Punk vein,” says Sandman Sleeps’ vocalist/guitarist Cristina Peck of the band’s newest punchy upbeat post-punk track “Fellini,” which she wrote with her bassist sister Alex Peak in 2010. “I liked the freedom in Joy Division’s music. There’s a lot of room for vocals when the guitar is minimized to playing single notes versus full chords. That is the inspiration for where those single notes came from that I played. It felt rawer than what I’d make on my own, which I loved.” Formed by Cristina and Alex as teens, Sandman Sleeps reconvened with renewed passion in 2019 and was enhanced even more with the addition of drummer Karsten Andersen and guitarist Zack Jones in early 2020. The band’s debut album Crisis Actor [out independently on March 26, 2021] was a decade in the making and it embroiders songs old and new with honed musicality and diverse life experience.