Ali Sperry Shares New Single ”In Your Dreams”

Nashville-based singer/songwriter Ali Sperry has released “In Your Dreams,” the latest from her forthcoming LP In Front Of Us, due out on March 11th. “As artists, one’s own authenticity and unique perspective is our greatest asset and in some ways, it feels like it’s all we really have,” says Sperry of the song. Co-written with and featuring friend and fellow artist Carey Ott, “In Your Dreams” features musical contributions from Adam Meisterhans, Kai Welch, Jamie Dick, Owen Biddle, and Sarah Dugas.

“Our ability to look at something, respond as ourselves, and reflect back in our own authentic way is crucial. The goal is to create art that is un-self-conscious–art that is our own truth and not trying to be something we think might be trendy or popular or ‘cool.’ ‘Don’t worry, don’t be sorry, say it’ is the repeating mantra of this song. It’s what I have endeavored to do throughout this record, and as I move forward through my life.”

“In Your Dreams” follows “Cool Under Pressure,” inspired by watching Kamala Harris in the 2020 Vice Presidential Debate. “Kamala Harris was a force to be reckoned with that night and made a deep impact on me,” Sperry recalls. “I stirred with pride to be a woman, pride to witness such a woman demonstrating her ability for leadership. The way she elegantly fought for her time to speak, insisted upon it, was almost shocking to me, as it was an example too-seldom seen,” she continues. “I thought about this debate in the weeks to come and lyrics began to emerge. I called on my impressions of that night and quotes from our now-Vice President, as well as reflections on other women leaders of our time.”

Photo Courtesy: Fairlight Hubbard