“Girlfriend,” written with Kirsten Maxwell and produced with Walter Kazmier, marks new territory for Long Island-based songwriter Car Astor. Not only is the song swelling with anger, its upbeat and completely danceable. Simply, this single elicits the primal desire for movement and the songs irrepressible pop-powered melody serves as the seductive Pied Piper.
This is what she had to say about it.
“Couldn’t be more excited to be sharing ‘Girlfriend’ with you today! I wrote this song over a year ago and immediately knew it would really shape me as an artist once it was finished. It was one of the first times where I felt like I was truly honest with myself and how I was feeling, and wrote exactly that – rather than being afraid and watering it down.
“’Girlfriend’ is about a very confusing emotional relationship I was caught in for this past year. I met someone and we had a very obvious connection, but they were seeing someone else, so it got really messy. This song was written during an angry moment, so I’m really just trying to relay exactly how I felt during that moment in time, and be as honest and straightforward as possible.”
Enjoy it below:
In addition to “Girlfriend” Car Astor has more music on the horizon; some before the year is out and an EP in the works for release in 2019.
Catch her at Mercury Lounge in New York City on November 25.
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